December - January 2025
This Year More Necessary than Ever
Dear signatories of the #DemocratizingWork Manifesto,
Dear Isabelle Ferreras,
Let’s make 2025 a year of action: amplifying worker voices, reimagining workplaces, and advancing global justice. While Donald Trump is inaugurated as President of the US, leading a pack of oligarchs who believe in capitalism as a regime of government, our joint efforts to deepen and extend the democratic project through #DemocratizingWork, for the people and the planet, are more necessary than ever! Expect lots of impactful developments in 2025!
Lots happened in the last 2 months. Remember that this information-sharing tool is your tool: a tool meant to disseminate recent debates, research results, and actual progress within and around our global network with Democratizing, Decommodifying, and Decarbonizing Work! Please share updates from your end.
Adelle Blackett (#DW GRI) appointed Senior Advisor to the Director-General of the I.L.O.
Professor Adelle Blackett (McGill University and #DW Core Group Member) has been appointed senior advisor to Gilbert Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Starting in February 2025, Adelle Blackett will act as the ILO’s focal point to the WTO, World Bank, and IMF, while advancing research on social justice and international labour rights. Her appointment represents a major step toward embedding the principles of democratizing work at the global level. Congratulations to Professor Adelle Blackett for this outstanding recognition of the relevance of her scholarship! We can’t wait to see what comes next.
Our #DW Global Workshop Series Continues
REMINDER - JANUARY 30, Join us to continue the global conversation at the crossroad of the 3 principles. This session will focus on “Democratizing Work for Employment , discussing the recent report A Transformative Framework to Achieve and Sustain Employment Equity (2024) commissioned to Adelle Blackett (McGill & #DW Core Group Member) by the Canadian Government.
After Adelle Blackett shares key insights from the Report, the session will include perspectives from Dr. Jeannine Van der Rheede, Lecturer in Mercantile and Labour Law at the University of the Western Cape, Chairperson of the Law Faculty’s Employment Equity Committee, and member of the University’s Employment Equity Forum, Marie Clarke Walker, Principal at Marie Clarke Walker Consulting Inc., and former leader with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Ana Virginia Gomes, ILO Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. The workshop will be chaired by Imge Kaya-Sabanci (IE Business School, Madrid & #DW Core Group Member).
Watch the recordings of our last #DW Global Workshop around Olivier De Schutter’s Report to the UN General Assembly, and other past #DW Global Workshops via the #DemocratizingWork dedicated webpage
France - Dominique Méda avec Le Monde sur le besoin d’un projet politique qui place les classes populaires en son cœur
Dans un récent article publié dans Le Monde (4 janvier), Dominique Méda (co-fondatrice de #DW), sociologue et professeure à Paris-Dauphine, souligne l’urgence de construire un projet politique qui remette les classes populaires au centre des priorités. Elle analyse la montée des populismes et le sentiment de mépris ressenti par ces classes, souvent abandonnées par les partis traditionnels. Méda plaide pour un engagement politique ambitieux qui réponde aux enjeux de désindustrialisation, d’insécurité économique et de transition écologique, afin de rétablir la confiance et de bâtir une société plus solidaire et équitable.
France - Novethic recommande “Hé Patron!” dans sa sélection de livres militants pour Noël 2024
« Pour les enfants ou pour les plus grands, les livres qui abordent de près ou de loin la transition écologique et sociale ont plus que jamais la cote. Pour Noël cette année, Novethic vous propose sa sélection, du roman d’anticipation au manifeste militant en passant par la BD documentaire. » Découvrir les 10 recommandations de Noël 2024 de Novethic
Pourquoi l'entreprise devrait-elle rester l'un des seuls lieux du monde social où tout est hiérarchique, opaque, autoritaire ? Et si la démocratie faisait son entrée dans le monde de l'entreprise ? Et surtout comment faire ? Ce sont les questions ouvertes par la bande dessinée "Hé Patron", rédigée par Miranda Richmond Mouillot, la chercheuse Isabelle Ferreras, avec l'aide d'un collectif de scientifiques, et illustrée par David Hackett. Un livre didactique, qui aborde en profondeur et avec rigueur le sujet de la démocratisation des entreprises, à l'heure où elle est plus que jamais rendue essentielle par la crise de sens massive que traverse le monde du travail.
Spain – Daniel Innerarity in El País on democratizing work to strengthen democracy
On January 13, El País published an op-ed by Daniel Innerarity, philosopher and professor at the University of the Basque Country and at the European Union Institute in Florence. Innerarity emphasizes the urgent need to democratize the workplace as a means to strengthen democratic societies. He argues that labor conditions directly influence political participation, highlighting how economic inequality and workplace exclusion contribute to political disengagement. Innerarity calls for greater inclusion of workers in collective decision-making processes and advocates for policies that bridge the gap between labor justice and democratic participation. By improving labor relations, Daniel Innerarity argues that societies can foster a more equitable and participatory democracy.
Démocratiser l’entreprise est-il en train de devenir le nouveau mantra d’une transformation radicale de la société ? Revue Internationale de l’économie sociale (RECMA), France.
La Revue internationale de l’économie sociale (RECMA) lance un appel à contributions pour un numéro spécial sur la démocratisation des entreprises, un enjeu central pour transformer durablement le travail et les organisations. Les chercheurs sont invités à explorer les pratiques, conditions, cadres théoriques, obstacles, et impacts de la démocratisation, ainsi que ses liens avec les objectifs climatiques et sociaux. Les articles, attendus pour le 15 juin 2025, pourront inclure des perspectives comparées et interdisciplinaires, couvrant notamment gouvernance, production, et redevabilité externe. Les contributions en français, anglais ou espagnol feront l’objet d’une évaluation en double aveugle. Plus d’informations : RECMA - Note aux auteurs.
Les propositions devront parvenir à l’adresse mail : contribution@agora-dodes.fr avant le 15 juin 2025. Plus de détails dans l'appel à contributions !
NOVEMBRE 25, FRANCE - 1884 – 2024 : Les 140 ans des sociétés coopératives
La CESE à ouvert ses portes pour un événement unique, réunissant les acteurs clés du monde coopératif et au-delà: depuis 1884, le Mouvement des sociétés coopératives a su fédérer et promouvoir un modèle économique et social porteur de valeurs humaines et d’innovation collective. Un moment historique : la célébration de 140 ans de succès, d’évolution et d’engagement collectif des entreprises coopératives avec des interventions de différentes personnalités: Benoît Hamon (Président d’ESS France), Isabelle Ferreras (FNRS/University of Louvain-Harvard CLJE & Co-Fondatrice de #DW), Timothée Parrique (Université de Lausanne) et Marie-Agnès Poussier-Winsback (Ministre déléguée chargée de l’économie sociale et solidaire).
Vous pouvez visionner l’intégralité de l’événement ci-dessous. Pour le panel d'Isabelle Ferreras cliquez-ici. Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette intervention ainsi que celles des autres personnalités qui ont enrichi ce moment historique dédié aux 140 ans des sociétés coopératives.
DECEMBER 19, BELGIUM - Jean Drèze, Guaranteed Employment in Action: The Indian Experience
On December 19, 2024, the Jacques Drèze Memorial Conference was held at the Aula Magna in Louvain-la-Neuve. This year’s event featured Belgo-Indian development economist Jean Drèze, who talked about "Guaranteed Employment in Action: The Indian Experience." Jean Drèze, known for his significant contributions to development economics and public policy in India, shared insights from his work, including his role in shaping the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. The conference also included reflections from UCLouvain scholars Bruno van der Linden (Institute of Economics and Social Research) and Philippe van Parijs (Hoover Chair in Economic and Social Ethics), who provided their perspectives on the topic.
JANUARY 15, AUSTRIA - Policy Talks: The Climate Case for a Job Guarantee
Pavlina R. Tcherneva (Bard College/Levy Institute & #DW Core Group Member) recently delivered a policy talk on the transformative potential of the Job Guarantee, at the CEU. Drawing from her best-seller book The Case for a Job Guarantee, Tcherneva demonstrated how the proposal supports a just transition to a green economy by creating sustainable jobs while decommodifying labor and empowering communities. By addressing systemic challenges through a democratized policy framework, the Job Guarantee embodies the principles of climate and economic justice, echoing the Paris Accord’s call for decent work and quality jobs and inspiring movements like the U.S. Sunrise Movement and global policy initiatives.
JANUARY 16, SPAIN - Conference on democratizing firms: Codetermination and workers representation
Co-organized by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Economic Democracy Platform (PxDE), CEHI University of Barcelona and Sara Lafuente (ETUI & #DW Core Group Member) this conference focused on the importance of worker representation on company boards in Spain. Despite some existing experiences, codetermination remains unlegislated in the country. The event aimed to raise awareness of its social significance and explore ways to normalize and strengthen workers participation in corporate governance. Panels included discussions on comparative studies of worker representation across Europe, the European Trade Union Confederation’s vision for democracy at work and practical experiences of worker participation in Spain.
Notably, Joaquín Pérez Rey, Spanish Minister of Labour and Social Economy, participated in Panel 2, discussing perspectives on a political agenda for worker participation in Spain and Catalonia. His involvement signals promising progress in advancing the democratization of firms in Spain. The event concluded with academic contributions on the subject. The full programme is accessible here.
UPDATES from National Chapters
Exciting News: The National Chapter of Chile resumes with new activities!
The #DW Chile National Chapter has resumed, with events aimed at supporting the #DemocratizingWork conversation in the country. Recent workshops mark the new year. We look forward to fostering new opportunities, collaborations, and growth in this vibrant region.
From the UK:
In May 2024, a comprehensive data dashboard analyzing the state of work in Britain, focusing on the balance of power between labour and capital was launched. Common Wealth’s Centre for Democratising Work assesses the state of contemporary work through three ongoing data focuses: the relative power of labour and capital, working time, and work quality. Click here to access the full report.
The Centre also continued its thought-provoking interview series with academics and activists committed to democratising work. Recent highlights include:
Sacha Hilhorst (ESRC-funded post-doctoral fellow in sociology) about the crisis of legitimacy, deindustrialisation and workers' power, Sarrah Kassem (Lecturer and Research Associate in the field of Political Economy at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen) about alienation, consciousness and the platform economy and Ewan Gibbs (lecturer in economic and social history, Glasgow University) about memory, energy and deindustrialisation.
In November 2024, the Centre also released an important briefing on the Employment Rights Bill. This document outlines twelve key reforms and recommendations aimed at strengthening workers' rights across the UK.
Together, these initiatives contribute significantly to advancing the discussion on democratizing work in the UK and beyond, offering insights and practical frameworks to reimagine and reshape work.
The Case for Work (Oxford University Press, 2024) Jean Philippe Daranty
The modern work ethic is in crisis. The numerous harms and injustices harboured by current labour markets and work organisations, combined with the threat of mass unemployment entailed in rampant automation, have inspired a strong “post-work” movement in the theoretical humanities and social sciences, echoed by many intellectuals, journalists, artists and progressives.
Against this widespread temptation to declare work obsolete, The Case for Work written by Jean-Philippe Deranty (Professor of Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney) shows that our paltry situation is critical precisely because work matters. It is a mistake to advocate a society beyond work on the basis of its current organisation.
In the first part of the book, the arguments feeding into the “case against work” are located in the long history of social and political thought. This comprehensive, genealogical inquiry highlights many conceptual and methodological issues that continue to plague contemporary accounts. The second part of the book makes the “case for work” in a positive way through a dialectical argument. The very feature of work that its critics emphasise, namely that it is a realm of necessity, is precisely what makes it the conduit for freedom and flourishing, provided each member of society is in a position to face this necessity in conditions that are just and sustainable.
Unternehmen in Grün (Oekom, 2024) Frank Thun
The key to create sustainable companies is not a new way of accounting – it is to organize them in a way that the interest of society and the ecosphere gains power. Sustainability needs teeth - a seat at the table of the powerful. There are multiple ways to achieve that.
Frank Thun, the Author of “Unternehmen in Grün”, advocates for two key steps toward sustainability. First, society should assign explicit missions to companies, guiding them to restructure their operations toward ecological goals, as incentives and regulations alone are insufficient. These missions should provide clear direction while allowing flexibility for local interpretation. Second, Thun calls for democratizing corporate structures to tackle the complex trade-offs of sustainable business. A democratic approach minimizes greenwashing and engages employees in addressing critical ecological and social challenges during their core work hours. Thun envisions this shift as essential for fostering a society focused on "big questions," revitalizing both corporations and society with purpose and balance.
Une société désirable - Comment prendre soin du monde (Flammarion, 2025), Dominique Méda
“Les Français ne voudraient plus travailler, les jeunes seraient de plus en plus flemmards, l’État-providence serait devenu trop coûteux, l’intelligence artificielle devrait faire disparaître des millions d’emplois…” Autant d’idées reçues qui saturent le débat public, plombent la confiance des citoyens et nous empêchent d’engager nos sociétés dans les politiques essentielles à mettre en œuvre pour faire face aux multiples crises qui les menacent.
Dans des textes courts, vifs et pédagogiques, Dominique Méda (Université of Paris Dauphine PLS & #DW Core Group Member) montre comment nos sociétés peuvent organiser une reconversion écologique qui met au centre les plus modestes, accorde la plus grande attention aux conditions de travail, repense le rôle de l’entreprise dans la cité et voit dans l’égalité entre hommes et femmes un objectif majeur.
Remaniées et enrichies d’une préface inédite, ces réflexions, qui dessinent une vision constructive de l’avenir, sont issues des chroniques de France Culture : « Le pourquoi du comment, économie et social ».
Cooperative Enterprises (Routledge, 2025), Piero Ammirato
"Cooperative Enterprises" is a comprehensive textbook from Piero Ammirato (Deakin University) exploring the evolution and the contributions that cooperatives can make to the economy and society. It offers an accessible overview, covering the history, models, theories, legislation, and governance of cooperatives globally.The book highlights key historical moments and compares cooperative law across 26 jurisdictions, emphasizing the model’s role in correcting market failures, supporting local economic development, reducing inequality, and promoting economic democracy.
By showcasing successful cooperative development models across different political and cultural contexts, it demonstrates how cooperatives can create wealth redistribution, foster community trust, and build collectively owned assets.
This book feeds the understanding of the principles leading to economic democracy by showing how enterprises can serve people, solve community problems, and promote equality, rather than focusing solely on profit maximization.
France Inter : “Si on veut vraiment changer le monde, il faut faire de la politique" avec Dominique Méda
Dans un récent épisode du podcast France Inter, la 20e Heure, Dominique Méda (co-fondatrice du mouvement #DW), professeure de sociologie à Paris-Dauphine a partagé son analyse du travail et des enjeux liés à la transition écologique. Elle revient sur les idées fausses qui circulent autour du travail, de l’emploi et de l’Etat providence et présente ses propositions pour une société désirable, mettant l’accent sur la solidarité. Dans cette discussion, Dominique Méda évoque notamment la Déclaration de Philadelphie, qui a posé les bases d’une vision humaine du travail, et critique l’évolution néolibérale qui a suivi, menant à une nouvelle marchandisation du travail contraire à la dignité humaine. Elle examine aussi la crise actuelle et l’engagement des jeunes face à un avenir incertain, tout en soulignant leur enthousiasme et leur volonté de changement. Ce podcast invite à repenser notre relation au travail, aux politiques sociales et à l’urgence de prendre soin de notre monde.
South Korea’s Political Crisis: From Martial Law to Impeachment
Neera Chandhoke (#DW Core Group Member) shares insights into South Korea's recent political turmoil.
Since 2010, over sixty unplanned and unorganized protests have erupted across the world, with movements such as the Arab Spring in 2010-2011 fighting corruption and arbitrary policies. A second wave of protests began in 2019, spreading globally. One notable recent example occurred in South Korea, where President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law in December 2024, a decision that was quickly overturned by the National Assembly. This sparked widespread protests, leading to Yoon’s impeachment and arrest, further plunging the country into political chaos. The president’s actions ignited intense public outrage, resulting in economic decline and heightened social unrest, with unions and workers continuing to demand action.
These protests represent a shift from the ideological and structured movements of the 20th century to leaderless, spontaneous uprisings driven by dissatisfaction with incompetent and unresponsive governments. The protests are often triggered by issues such as election fraud, economic distress, and inequality, and are focused on forcing elites to listen to the people, without necessarily seeking political transformation or institutional change.
These developments highlight the importance of democratizing work principles, which advocate for participatory decision-making processes within organizations, and States, anchored in the principle of equal dignity (Art 1 UDHR). By redistributing power and ensuring that workers have a voice in decisions, such principles could address the root causes of such protests, ensuring that governments and organizations are more responsive and accountable to the needs of their people.
The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) revamped worker-participation.eu website: A vital resource for workplace democracy
A brand-new version of the ETUI's worker-participation.eu website is launched, addressing the growing need for clear and accessible information about workers' participation, representation, and workplace democracy. The website remains one of the most unique and valuable resources on workplace participation in the EU, providing insights into both its history and current trends.
For a quick introduction to the revamped platform, watch the following video.
January 21, Groningen (The Netherlands) : Panel discussion on Workplace Democracy
Most people would agree that the only legitimate form of government is a democracy, and yet when most of us go to work we enter a world of hierarchies that is rather undemocratic. In many workplaces, bosses make the decisions and employees carry out their tasks, be it as office worker or bike courier. But why shouldn't the workplace also be a democracy? Together with Professor of Political Philosophy Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen & #DW Core Group Member), Manuel Reyes (Organize the RUG, member of University of Groningen's University Council), Tuur Elzinga will discuss the future of workplace democracy.
Tuur Elzinga, vice-president of the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV) believes it's time we put real democracy into practice—both in society and in the workplace. In his recent book “Democraten aller landen, verenigt u” (2024), he argues that many of our current challenges, such as the rise of far-right populism, are rooted in the perception that our institutions no longer reflect the interest of ordinary people. His answer: unite for democracy!
For more information and to purchase tickets for the event, click this link
Janvier 29, France (Paris) Les Assises de la Démocratie en Organisations – Inspiration, Formation, Contribution
L’AGORA DODES vous convie à une journée de réflexion et d’action dédiée à la promotion d’une citoyenneté économique au sein des organisations, à l’École des Mines de Paris. Au programme : des témoignages inspirants sur la démocratie au travail, des ateliers de formation aux pratiques démocratiques en entreprise, et un travail collectif pour rédiger un plaidoyer proposant des recommandations concrètes à destination des entreprises et des décideurs politiques. Cette journée sera enrichie par la participation d’Isabelle Ferreras et de Benoît Hamon, Président d’ESS France.
Le programme complet est également disponible sur la page web de la conférence. Cliquez sur l’image ou ici pour vous inscrire!
February 20-21, Belgium (Leuven) - "Future of work: reclaiming the value of work in the digital economy"
The ETUI and the ResPecTMe project funded by the ERC and headed by Valeria Pulignano (KULeuven) are hosting the fifth annual Future of Work Conference in Leuven on February 20-21, 2025. This year’s event examines how digital technologies, generative AI, and algorithmic management reshape work, focusing on job quality and the EU labour market. Key themes include the challenges of job precarity, the digital economy’s impact on employment structures, evolving regulatory frameworks, and the future of worker empowerment in a digital landscape.
A draft of the programme is available, and you can register now via the conference webpage.
And so many other developments around the globe…, please share your end of the news about #DemocratizingWork through filling out our form available here and via our website dedicated page.
We wish you lots of strength in this world,
Onward and upward,
The #DemocratizingWork Core Group,
Julie Battilana, Harvard University, Isabelle Ferreras, FNRS/University of Louvain-Harvard CLJE, Dominique Méda, University of Paris Dauphine PLS,
With Alyssa Battistoni, Barnard College, Adelle Blackett, McGill University, Julia Cagé, Sciences Po-Paris, Neera Chandhoke, University of Delhi, Lisa Herzog, University of Groningen, Imge Kaya-Sabanci, IE Business School, Madrid, Sara Lafuente Hernandez, University of Brussels-ETUI, Hélène Landemore, Yale University, Flavia Maximo, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil, Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Bard College-OSUN-Levy Institute.